How to take care of your skin during menopause

How to take care of your skin during menopause

In 10 years we have come across more than 50,000 women who have gone through Menopause and its side- effects. It is a natural biological process through which every woman on this planet goes through

Menopause comes with positive signs

 it stops the Menstrual cycle, no more fussing with tampons or pads, no worry about leakage and cramps and 

 negative signs -Hot flashes, fatigue and your SKIN issues- Not every woman is prepared for this natural phenomena .

Menopause marks the end of menstrual cycle.It’s diagnosed after you’ve gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause occurred in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51.

In menopause ovaries stop producing estrogen,a hormone which regulates the menstrual cycle.

Estrogen plays a very important role in skin complexion. When levels of hormone decrease, concerns like dryness, dullness, prone to aging signs, skin collagen decreases which makes skin saggy and loose giving aged look to the skin.

This makes middle aged women stuck and asking questions from themselves- What’s going on with the skin? Why is my skin getting thinner and older?

We get plenty of calls, emails and messages asking what we can do to get back youthful and glowing skin? Is it possible that we can reverse signs of aging? And many more


1. Hydrate, Hydrate and Hydrate

Estrogen helps to maintain skin barrier function which prevents water loss and keeps the skin plumpier and supple. You feel that all products have stopped working but actually your skin requires more hydration.

Our clinically proven products have shown amazing results on clients’ skin with age between 40-50.

Our doctors suggest that the right day and night regime is very important to maintain skin texture and moisture as per our age. Our experts believe, only a personalised and professional consultation can accurately assess your skin and health concerns

2. Use brightening skin ingredients for blemishes/dark spots

If you are at  menopausal age and facing dark spots on your face or other areas which are exposed to sun damage, you need to consult your doctor to rule out melasma, pigmentation, blemishes or skin discoloration and sun damage. To combat these concerns and improve the overall texture and tone of your skin,  Our dermatologists  recommend incorporating ingredients like vitamin A, C and E into your routine. Let’s give a try to our Genuine Products G-LEUHR Vitamin C, Gluta Beauty Serum and Glow forever serum. 

  • Gluta beautySkin Lightening, Anti Blemishes and Pigmentation
  •  Vitamin CFull of antioxidants and specially for open pores.
  •  Glow forever serum Stimulate collagen making skin glowing and youthful, Nourishment to skin and internally glow skin.

3. Protect your skin

Power protection from sun harmful UV rays is extremely important the moment you start noticing the signs of getting older. Also the collagen of your skin breaks down and makes skin saggy and loose. If your skin is already damaged, it will make it even worse. Our dermatologists  recommend SPF 50. Let’s give a try to our Genuine Products G-LEUHR – UV ARMOR Broad spectrum SPF 50

4. Avoid Acne Trigger

Acne could reappear after the age of Forty, as the hormone androgen during this age can cause acne. Once we attained puberty completely these acne clears out with time, but YES…!!! It could reappear again but best  – like eating foods causing acne such as refined carbs, processed food, dairy or fried not washing face, using wrong products on skin.

I recommend consulting our clinical dietitians for customised skin diet plans to get flawless and glowing skin.  


5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Beautiful Skin is Ageless


Menopause is a normal phenomena and symptoms with it are bound to come. Its the way we embrace it and deal with it. If we stress and worry about it, our health will get more worse. If you are more happy and positive about it , you will get through it.

Menopause- A pause where you reconsider your lifestyle choices

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